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Mohamed Adel Al-alem

Mohamed Adel Al-alem

University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Title: 3DSD laser guided crown lengthening


Biography: Mohamed Adel Al-alem


In today's world of technological digital dentistry, many efforts are done so that the esthetic cases are planned and executed in predictable ways. In this case, 3 Dimensional smile design using face scans, intra oral scans was done to the patient to do proper analysis of the existing dentogingival situation, also merging with CBCT data gave us the accurate soft tissue & bone levels with lip roll technique, then 3D waxup was done to the new desired gingival heights and 3D printing of the model from which a crown lengthening guide was fabricated to assist the Laser osseous & soft tissue crown lengthening procedure which helped produce with accuracy the digital design of hard and soft tissue architecture in the patient's mouth. Finally, preparation was done using the mockup as guide and final delivery of esthetic pleasing accurate and true to design smile.