Call for Abstract

19th Oral Care and Oral Cancer Congress, will be organized around the theme “Focusing on Latest Innovations in Dentistry”

Oral Care 2019 is comprised of 13 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Oral Care 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

\r\n Oral Care is a branch of medicine that consists of the study, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of disease, disorders and condition of the oral cavity .There are many variances in the quality and frequency of the oral care that is delivered to patients by nursing staff, such as oral care being given a low priority when compared to other nursing care elements like oral care being neglected, awareness about oral hygiene.




\r\n Mouth Cancer is the cancer that develops in any parts in the oral cavity. Mouth Cancer can occur on the

  • \r\n Lips
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  • \r\n Gums
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  • \r\n Tongue
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  • \r\n Inner lining of the cheeks
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  • \r\n Roof of the mouth
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  • \r\n Floor of the mouth
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\r\n Cancer that occurs on the inside of the mouth is sometimes called oral cancer or oral cavity cancer.




\r\n Advance in  Dentistry Technology like cloud solutions which have revolutionized the way you work, many digital advances in dentistry technology came Teledentistry, The Planmeca Emerald Next Gen intraoral Scanner, The Wand Anathesia System, Lensiora Intraoral Camera, The Live Smile APP,3D Dental Image via the complete Cloud.




\r\n Dentistry also known as Oral Medicine is the branch of medicine that consists of the study, diagnosis, prevention and treatment, disorders, and the conditions of the oral cavity. Although primarily associated with teeth among the general public the field of dentistry or dental medicine is not limited to teeth but it includes craniofacial complex including the temporomandibular joint and other supporting ,muscular ,lymphatic, nervous, vascular and anatomical structures.




\r\n The main aim of this dental research is to explore research in all fields of oral science to encourage improvements in methods for the prevention and treatments of the oral and dental disease also to improve the oral health of the public through research and to facilitate cooperation among investigators, and the communication of research finding and their implications throughout the globe.




\r\n Dental Practice includes the practice of dentistry like work done by the dentists the creation of restoration, crowns and bridge and surgical procedures performed in and about the oral cavity. The practice of the dental profession collectively

  • \r\n Operative Dentistry
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  • \r\n Preventive Dentistry
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  • \r\n Paediatric Dentistry
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  • \r\n Prosthetic Dentistry
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\r\n Marketing is  very important to the success of dental practice. Patients used to rely on the advice and experience of family members and friends for choosing their dentist. But most of today’s patients tend to search for relevant information online before selecting a dentist. Digital Marketing analysts see dental services as akey sector for business growth, and there a good reason for this. Until a few year ago, patients did not pay much attention to online reviews, SEO, or video testimonials. But today your online reputation and overall digital presence are of prime importance to the success of your practice.




\r\n Pediatric dentists are dedicated to the oral health of children from infancy through the teen years. They have the experience and qualifications to care for a child’s teeth, gum, and mouth throughout the various stages of childhood.


\r\n Pediatric Dentists provide comprehensive oral health care that includes the following:

  • \r\n Infant oral health exams, which include risk assessment for caries in mother and child.
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  • \r\n Preventive dental care including cleaning and fluoride treatment as well as nutrition and diet recommendations.
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  • \r\n Habits counselling (for example thumb sucking)
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  • \r\n Repair of tooth cavities or defects
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  • \r\n Early assessment and treatment for straightening teeth and correcting an improper bite.
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\r\n Cosmetic Dentists work with you to develop a treatment plan. If your teeth stained, discoloured ,worn, chipped, broken, misshapen or have gaps between them, modern cosmetic dentistry can give you a better smile. Various types of cosmetic dental procedures available

  • \r\n Teeth Whitening
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  • \r\n Dental Veneers
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  • \r\n Dental Bonding
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  • \r\n Dental Crown
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  • \r\n Dental Implants
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  • \r\n Inlays and onlays
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\r\n The field of dentistry is constantly evolving and changing to better suit patient needs. If you haven’t visited a dentist for some time,you may be surprised to discover that there are a lot of new options to keep teeth healthy and beautiful. Advancement in dental technology can offer you modern solutions to traditional dental problems. There are much new advancement in modern dentistry that your dentist may choose to offer, depending on the case.




\r\n Prosthodontics, also known as dental prosthetic dentistry is the area of dentistry that focuses on the dental prostheses. It is the dental specialty to the diagnosis, treatment, planning, rehabilitations and maintenance of the oral cavity. Prosthodontics is the dental specialty primarily concerned with the restoration and replacement of lost or damaged teeth. Sometimes called the “Architects of the smile”. Prosthodontics ate highly trained specialists with unique understanding of all the elements that go into a beautiful, functional and natural looking smile not just the teeth but also the gums, lips and facial features.




\r\n Dental Public health is non-clinical specialty of dentistry that deals with the prevention of oral disease and promotion of oral health. It involves the assessment of key dental health. The most widely known dental public health implication has been the fluoridation of water. A major focus of public health is preventing disease in large populations rather than treating disease on an individual basis.




\r\n Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that corrects teeth and jaws that are positioned improperly. The benefit of orthodontic treatment includes a healthier mouth, a more pleasing appearance, and teeth that are more likely to last a lifetime.


\r\n An orthodontist can carry out work that aims to achieve the following:

  • \r\n Closing wide gaps between the teeth
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  • \r\n Aligning the tips of the teeth
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  • \r\n Straightening crooked teeth
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  • \r\n Improving speech or chewing ability
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  • \r\n Boosting the long term health of gums and teeth
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  • \r\n Preventing long term excessive wear or trauma of the teeth
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  • \r\n Treating an improper bite.
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\r\n Endodontists are specialists in saving teeth, committed to helping you maintain your natural smile for a lifetime. Their advanced training, specialized technique, and superior technologies mean you get the highest quality care with the best result saving your natural teeth.


